Warrior Goddess Durga!
Goddess of protection and inner strength.
Goddess of liberation.
A goddess who is fierce and invincible.
A goddess that will never shrink in a battle.
A goddess that will stand up and defend herself and her sincere devotees as soon as she senses the absence of injustice and unrighteousness.
She is the Deity to call upon when you are in a crisis or deep trouble. Including self inflicted pain that arises from the identification with the false SELF and egoic delusions/patterns.
She is the goddess to call upon of you have lost hope and are fighting a serious illness.
Salutations to Durga.
Durga, Devi I bow to you!
Oh Goddess who lives in everything in the form of consciousness. Praise to you. Praise to you.
Oh Goddess Durga, I call to you. I call to you.
Om Dum Durgayei Namaha
Hi, I am Erika – Shri Lakshmi.
I am a life-purpose coach and holistic counsellor. It’s not a requirement but people usually come to me in transition. My approach is both practical and mystical/spiritual. My mission is to invite you into higher states of being by cultivating inner awareness, empowerment and love.
I can deliberately enter an expanded state of consciousness and have mastered the ability to tap into the SOURCE of LOVE, WISDOM, ABUNDANCE and POWER and I am strongly dedicated to further learning and expansion.
It is my intention to inspire, empower you and help you to find more clarity in life and reconnect with your true self. I help people to become more aware of their gifts and also their beliefs and values.
As you start to remember who you truly are, you naturally start to re-align with your true self and your life purpose. Your life can then start to flow in a far more creative and joyful way with new meaning and direction.
It is my intention to give joyfully, following my heart’s knowledge and make a meaningful difference in someone’s life. I have been trained in a number of different healing techniques including energy psychology, relationship healing and a diverse array of therapeutic interventions, but I don’t follow any particular tradition or concept as I work intuitively from the heart.
Together, we generate insight and transformation. My work is a co-creative, collaborative partnership with you to create the deepest insight, empowerment, clarity, wellbeing, healing and possibility, and enable you to share this with others.
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