Healing and Transformation Journey – Why things get worse before they get better

  • May we heal and evolve quickly instead of hurting each other

  • May we let go of prejudices and judgments and become empty, transparent and balanced

  • May we free ourselves from the attachments of the unconscious collective pain body

  • May we let go of our self-righteousness and arrogance

  • May we see beyond appearances

  • May the veil of illusion of separation and victimisation be lifted

  • May we radiate clarity in the midst of turmoil and chaos

  • May we be of service to others

A Consciousness shift is happening in the world. The universe moves towards a brighter future for all, but at the same time, people are concerned about the shifts and the intensity of the changes. Many of us would like to understand better what is really happening on the planet.

What is going on in the collective unconscious is being brought up to the surface. The world as we see it is an expression of the collective beliefs. If we want to evolve and live in a better world we have to change the belief system first. 

Humanity has been operating from a self-centered, victim and scarcity – consciousness for millenniums and before a shift to unity consciousness can occur, old structures which have been built on fear, control, and power have to be brought into our awareness. 

Awareness of something is the prerequisite for healing.

Sending healing to everyone who would like to receive it! 

We all have heard the saying that all change is happening on the inside. Therefore the best way to support the planet is to stay calm and centred within our own being during challenging times. If you know who you are, a centre of love, wisdom and pure awareness all problems subside and the mind merges into silence. When you practice detachment and discrimination you won’t be ruled by your senses and by your mind and your pure being emerges as the natural state.

In remembering who you truly are the light of unconditional awareness will emerge. 

If something happens that we consider as being an extremely challenging situation or a tragic event we have the choice to freeze in fear or to break open and to create space for compassion and love. 

Our True Self is not the limited mortal body, mind, and intellect, but the eternal, blissful consciousness that pervades creation. When one truly recognises one’s own Self in all beings, one becomes an embodiment of peace, love, and compassion capable of uplifting the world.

In the rest of the article, I will focus on individual healing journeys and how you can deal with the arising challenges. 

Some of you who are new to this transformation journey may have experienced a lot of confusion and inner turmoil. Some of my clients are going through periods where they feel aligned and empowered and then through periods of doubt and fear or they manifest physical symptoms such as constant migraines, body aches, and extreme fatigue.

What happens at the beginning of a healing journey?

Did you ever hear someone saying that things often get worse before they get better, or you might have also heard the term “healing crisis” or “integration period? “

A healing crisis is often part of the healing process. If we want to be true to ourselves, we have to release our old wounds and conditioning. Some people call this healing, others integration.

I believe that any form of healing is about remembering who we truly are. It is about reconnecting with our Soul, our Higher Self, and our Intuition. It is about letting go of conditioning and giving ourselves permission to be who we truly are instead of being who we think we should be. 

The higher Self is an infinite aspect of our consciousness that goes beyond the ordinary ego consciousness and it has a greater overview of all possibilities

Even though I do often use the term healing as many people can relate to it, the term wholeness would be a more accurate expression. The need to “heal” is a duality based concept and assumes that something is wrong, but believing that something is right-wrong or good-bad is duality conditioning.

We all have been conditioned to judge and to believe in lack but if we let duality aside, any arising challenges are understood as part of perfection, a part of the whole. The sole purpose to work through them is to develop compassion and be of service to others. We should be careful that our life does not become a never-ending self-improvement project. 

The good news is that higher frequencies transcend duality. When we raise our vibration, many redundant issues will fall away and we will able to see the perfection in something that has previously appeared to be wrong or ugly. 

When you get more established in the heart whatever happens in your life is a blessing. ~Mooji

To raise our vibration, we can use various permission slips or creative healing interventions. Let your intuition be your guide when choosing which one works best for you.

Here is my personal list:

  • Helping someone in need

  • Reaching out to friend

  • Spending time with pets or children

  • Breaking routine/ doing something creative

  • Relaxation / Meditation

  • Reading a high vibe book

  • Appreciating something beautiful

  • Using high-quality essential oils (rose oil is measured at 320 MHz, Lavender at 118 MHz)

  • Spending time in nature

  • Dancing and listening to high-frequency music

  • Kundalini Yoga/Qigong

I have observed many times after a Soul Plan Reading session for example that some of the stuck patterns simply disappeared. The more we connect with who we truly are the more balanced we become and this can also have a positive knock-on effect on our physical and emotional health.

Feeling mentally and emotionally exhausted for example is often an indicator that we think too much and that our thoughts argue with what is. When we rest in our true nature we feel energised and lighthearted.

Another common trap of wasting precious life-force energy is to mentally living in other people’s business and assuming to know what’s best for them. This usually leads to contraction and tension, and we waste precious life force energy while wondering why we are feeling exhausted at the end of the day. 

As you begin your healing journey, all the dormant, low and stuck energy starts moving. Everything that needs to be healed moves out through you. 

Imagine a pond, which catches stones, sticks, leaves and waste. On the surface, the water may still look clear, but if someone stirs the water, all the mud rises to the surface.

Therefore, it is quite often that individuals who start doing some healing work experience a “healing crisis”, because all those suppressed and repressed emotions come to the surface so that they can be felt, integrated and released. Everything unnecessary has to go. 

You can also compare it with a detox period. If you’ve ever done any kind of fasting or gave up caffeine, you may be very familiar with the various kinds of unpleasant symptoms such as a headache, body aches, joint and muscle pain, sinus congestion, or nausea and noticed that it took some time until your body has released toxins from the system. If you persevered and didn’t give up you started to feel the benefits, e.g. feeling much lighter, healthier and energised. 

Energetic and Spiritual healing is a similar process. The goal of energetic healing is to shine the light of awareness on any stagnant or low energy and replace it with healed, cleansed, and purified energy. There is usually a time lag until this shift happens. 

The majority of the population is unaware that we are more than just our physical bodies. There are also several subtle bodies, or layers, around the physical body. These energetic layers or subtle bodies create an interconnected field of energy around the physical body that is commonly known as the auric field. Even though these layers cannot be seen with the physical eyes, they can be seen psychically through the third eye or with the help of Kirlian photography. 

The physical body consists of energy that vibrates very slowly. That’s why it appears to our physical eyes to be solid. We believe that everything that we can touch is definitely real and everything that is ethereal in nature is not real. But it is actually completely the other way around. The more subtle something is, the more real it is. 

When we start doing healing work, any suppressed, dormant emotions and energies from past trauma or denial get stirred up. We might even attract many emotionally challenging situations which will show us what requires attention and what we need to let go. If we want to heal we need to address the cause and not the symptom. 

If someone triggers us for example, we have the tendency to blame the other person, instead of looking at the situation in such a way that the other person might even do us a favour. The situation or the individual is usually just a trigger or catalyst. The pain was already in us. Otherwise, we would not get triggered, and the other individual is often simply pointing out what requires attention. He or she offers us the opportunity to look inside and get in touch with any suppressed and repressed emotions or to make some changes in the way we respond to certain situations.

During this process, you might also need to set healthy boundaries or leave dysfunctional relationships behind. If someone has a very hostile attitude for example and attacks you in spite of your forgiveness and compassion it is better to remove yourself from this person or situation. 

It can take time until you start feeling those repressed emotions again, and it is important to be gentle with yourself during healing. What often happens is that we start to feel frustrated, impatient, disappointed and upset or even question if we are on the right path if we don’t get immediate results.

It will be easier to persevere if you remember that this is part of the healing and the stuck energies are coming to the surface so that they can be released. It is an indicator that healing is working very well. If you don’t give up, you will reap the benefits and feel much lighter, awake, energised and happier afterwards. 

“Having compassion starts and ends with having compassion for all those unwanted parts of ourselves. The healing comes from letting there be room for all of this to happen: room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy.” ~Pema Chodron

From a higher perspective, we often choose to go through certain challenges but I know from experience that everything goes much more smoothly if I reach out for help during any intense growth, healing and transformation periods. Finding support and connecting with like-minded people during this time is crucial. I recommend spending as much time as possible in nature to cleanse any lower energies. Drinking sufficient water after healing will help to flush out toxins from the body. You might also need to rest and relax more than usual. 

I am happy to give you a hand during this process. The following pre-recorded healing session is designed to “connect you with your inner healer”In this healing session (36 min.), I will take you on a beautiful journey where you can connect with your breath, the present moment and meet your inner healer.

And the following recording will assist you to

  • ease any emotional tension
  • clear energy blocks and suppressed emotions
  • Listen to your emotional guidance system
  • Release trapped emotions
  • Feel empowered and respond to your emotions with peace, balance and acceptance
  • Transform emotions such as anger and jealousy into self-esteem and inner strength and compassion

Mastering Emotions & Clearing Energy Blocks

Hi, I am Erika – Shri Lakshmi.

I am a life-purpose coach and holistic counsellor. It’s not a requirement but people usually come to me in transition. My approach is both practical and mystical/spiritual. My mission is to invite you into higher states of being by cultivating inner awareness, empowerment and love.

I can deliberately enter an expanded state of consciousness and have mastered the ability to tap into the SOURCE of LOVE, WISDOM, ABUNDANCE and POWER and I am strongly dedicated to further learning and expansion.

It is my intention to inspire, empower you and help you to find more clarity in life and reconnect with your true self. I help people to become more aware of their gifts and also their beliefs and values.

As you start to remember who you truly are, you naturally start to re-align with your true self and your life purpose. Your life can then start to flow in a far more creative and joyful way with new meaning and direction.

It is my intention to give joyfully, following my heart’s knowledge and make a meaningful difference in someone’s life. I have been trained in a number of different healing techniques including energy psychology, relationship healing and a diverse array of therapeutic interventions, but I don’t follow any particular tradition or concept as I work intuitively from the heart.

Together, we generate insight and transformation. My work is a co-creative, collaborative partnership with you to create the deepest insight, empowerment, clarity, wellbeing, healing and possibility, and enable you to share this with others.

What is a spiritual counsellor/holistic healing practitioner? A spiritual counsellor or holistic healing practitioner has trained in a number of healing techniques. Their training has included, counselling, energy psychology, relationship healing, hypnotherapy, spiritual life coaching, soul plan and a diverse array of therapeutic interventions. A spiritual counsellor or holistic healing practitioner has recognised the importance of offering more than energetic healing or conventional counselling. The client also receives unconditional listening, sound advice, new resources, empowering beliefs and options for leading a more fulfilling and real quality life. These integrated sessions address the client on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Energetic healing creates the space while a practical approach grounds the benefits in the here and now.



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Say NO with a smile

In the following video, I explain how essential oils can strengthen your energy field and help you with boundary settings or speaking up when this is required.

Do you sometimes fall into the “being too kind” or “people-pleasing trap?” Standing your ground and not falling into the people-pleasing trap is the key to any healthy relationship. 

In a sense, you are communicating your lack of value by overgiving. 

The common reason why people are afraid to set healthy boundaries is because they are afraid to disappoint someone or are afraid that someone could disapprove of them. 

Not setting healthy boundaries and staying true to oneself is a breeding ground for toxicity. 

In order to set healthy boundaries, we have to connect with our needs and feelings first and honour and respect them. 

We can only set healthy boundaries when we are centred in our power and are aware of our value. 

If you have a poor self-image it is very likely that you will struggle to communicate your needs clearly and to set healthy boundaries. 

Like any good architect, you can change the blueprint – even a negative, self-worth blueprint.

Just because you have lived until now with an illusionary imprint about your self-worth does not mean that it has to remain like this 

The instant download meditation and the accompanying 16 pages pdf self-help booklet and it will help you to: 

  • Understand the causes of poor self-esteem and re-programme dysfunctional patterns on a cellular level
  • Build self-worth and reconnect with your core strengths
  • Take back your power, and re-discover that you are the source of love
  • Bring out your highest potential
  • Feel at ease in social situations
  • Let go of the need to please others
  • Rediscover the radiant version of yourself
  • Improve your mood and self-talk
  • Learn how to deal with mistakes, setbacks and criticisms with more ease and grace

Get your copy NOW. 

We will always encounter demanding and dominant individuals in our personal and professional lives. Acquiring assertiveness skills will make your life much easier and eliminate stress.

Being assertive is a skill that most people are born with. A newborn relates to the world in a completely honest and open way. Infants have no inhibitions to express their feelings. However, when the individuals around them are not honest and loving in return, the first imprint in the energetic field is made. The baby adapts the belief that this world is not a safe place. To protect himself and to cope with being in the world, the child develops later protective skills. We could also say that we train ourselves to become non-assertive.

As a result, some adults may behave very inauthentic or adopt passive aggressive behaviour for example which is a defence mechanism to operate peacefully in the world. Therefore, many adults need to unlearn various unhelpful behaviours if they wish to improve assertiveness.

Assertion means that a person is connected to their true self and can express his rights, authentic feelings and needs without offending others or feel insecure.

Assertiveness is an ability, to be honest, and trust and to be free from fear.

From an energetic point of view, we are most balanced and assertive when our 3rd chakra is balanced. A healthy solar plexus chakra allows you to be empowered and respect your needs and live a life with confidence and strength. Someone with a balanced solar plexus chakra can set boundaries and be assertive without being aggressive.

Chakra is a Sanskrit word that translates into a turning wheel or disc. These energy centres are connected to main organs, endocrine glands, physiological functions, emotions and spiritual energy.

An unbalanced or blocked chakra can lead to physical, emotional or mental symptoms.

There are 7 main energy centres positioned throughout our body, from the base of your spine to the crown of our head. Each chakra has its own vibrational frequency, that is represented by a specific chakra colour.

Some common symptoms of a 3rd chakra blockage include:

Low self-esteem, feeling disempowered, inability to set or maintain boundaries codependency, lack of self-control, lack of confidence, Anxiety.

In the following article, I share some techniques which you can use to balance your third chakra.

And the following meditation will help you to balance your 7 main energy centres. 

Energy Center (Chakra) Balancing Meditation

Balancing love and wisdom

Balancing love and wisdom, especially for gentle souls who feel everything very deeply and are always eager to help and to give, is not always easy.
It requires awareness, patience, and experience to find the right balance between giving and receiving, taking action and surrendering. What helps is to be in touch with your emotional guidance system and also to be aware of your underlying feeling/vibration.

Do you feel victimised or empowered when you take action or surrender?

Do you give from a genuine place of inspiration or do you give because you try to compensate for a lack of self-worth or self-love?

It’s crucial to be aware while wanting to help that you don’t infringe on other people’s free will. You don’t know how their challenges might serve them. They might be a great catalyst for them which will help them to wake up and create better circumstances for themselves – so don’t think of yourself that you have to rescue everyone. 

You might have heard the expression co-dependency. This would be a whole new topic, and therefore, I will just mention it briefly.
Many of us are stuck in co-dependent patterns without realising it.
Co-dependency can be defined as any relationship in which two people become so invested in each other that they can’t function independently anymore. Of course, it requires discernment to know when it is appropriate to help or when it is more important to take a step back so that the other person can step into their power instead of being constantly dependent on other people’s help or advice. 

If you notice that you support other people’s neediness or devote all your energy to help the other person you might want to explore the topic of co-dependency a little bit more. I recommend the following book, Codependent No More, by Melody Beattie. 

Your soul rejoices each time you treat yourself with self-respect. One little step can bring an entirely different flow into your energy patterns.

The following self-hypnosis session contains a gentle hypnotic induction, positive suggestions and empowering beliefs which will help you to learn to set healthy boundaries and create a shift in your subconscious mind.

Bring Out Your Inner Confidence – Self Hypnosis

The self-hypnosis session contains a gentle hypnotic induction, positive suggestions and empowering beliefs which will help you to learn to set healthy boundaries and create a shift in your subconscious mind.

Bring Out Your Inner Confidence Hypnosis will have a powerful effect on your emotional and mental wellbeing. With the aid of this hypnosis session, you can address any thoughts that may have weakened your confidence and replace these with more helpful thought patterns.

It will help you to: 

  • To centre and ground yourself
  • Achieve a state of calmness and relaxation
  • Let go of everything that no longer serves you
  • Step outside of your comfort zone
  • Develop a better, healthier self-image
  • Feel comfortable in situations which have caused previously distress
  • Keep an unwavering faith and move boldly towards your goals
  • If you would like to try the purest high-quality essential oils on the planet you can place your order here. You can get 25% off for all products if you opt-in as a Wholesale Customer or Wellness advocate. 

    And if you would like to receive the following three Abundance Freedom Empowerment abundance gifts please sign up here:

    • Align with the energy of Freedom, Ease and Abundance guided meditation on mp3
    • Heart opening, centring and allowing to receive guided meditation on mp3
    • Enhance Your Prosperity Consciousness with Pure Essential Oils pdf booklet by Erika Brose

    If you have ever inhaled the fragrance of your favourite FLOWER and remember the sweetness of getting in touch with the essence of a plant then you will love and benefit greatly from essential oils.

    There are hundreds of ways how you can use high- quality essential oils including relaxation, emotional and energetic healing, meditation, spiritual practice, personal hygiene, household cleaning, cooking and more.

    Some of the oils will shower you with the elixir of self-love and self-appreciation, some will help you to clear long-standing emotional and energetic attachments, and others will transform you in a way you could not have imagined. The more you open up to the energy and benefits of very pure high-quality essential oils and let go of resistance the more you will benefit from them.

    The essential oils work on many different levels: Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual/Energetic. The measured frequencies of essential oils have been shown to go as high as 320 MHz as seen with Rose oil! Lavender has a frequency of 118 MHz and Sandalwood has a frequency of 96 MHz.  I have recorded several videos where I introduce the benefits and the uses of essential oils. You can access the complete playlist on Youtube here:

    Essential oils Inspiration and Education with Erika

    When purchasing essential oils, it is important to find oils that are pure. The purity of an essential oil determines how effective an essential oil can be. The less pure an essential oil is, the less effective it will be. Too often, essential oils that are on the market are not pure and contain contaminants and filler substances.

    doTERRA oils are different than any other oils. You will get oils which are distilled at the peak potency to ensure the highest effectiveness and quality and they are not treated with pesticides. So it is a massive difference to the oils which you would buy at a grocery store for example. Those who have long-term experience with essential oils will immediately notice the difference.

    In addition to supplying the highest quality, essential oils doTERRA is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of farmers, harvesters, and distillers who contribute to doTERRA’s oil production. doTERRA is family-focused and pro-women. Mamas, children and families are welcomed, appreciated, encouraged and supported through doTERRA.

    To learn about the quality and sourcing, Source to You helps you to learn how doTERRA works with smallholder farmers worldwide to optimize their work and grow the precious plants that grant us and our families this crucial connection to Mother Nature. And here is an incredible resource to see exactly where your oils have come from. It also shows a Gas Chromatography graph that breaks down all the natural chemical compounds that are in each bottle of doTERRA Essential Oils.

    At the base of your bottle of Single Oils, you will see a number. If you enter this into the system all the relevant information for that particular Essential Oils will come up. dōTERRA is completely transparent about all components of their Oils and that’s why it is safe to trust that you are working with the purest oils available.

    Most essential oils are made from fresh leaves, flowers, roots, or twigs, but there are a few special essential oils that are made from the resin of plants such as Frankincense. The oils capture the plant’s scent and flavour also called its “essence.” And they are obtained through distillation or cold-press extraction. 100% pure, natural, high-quality essential oils can help us to tune into higher frequencies, clear negative emotions on a cellular level but also release blockages which prevent us to align with the abundance of the universe. Essential oils have been used for spiritual ceremonies, rituals, balancing emotions and for healing the mind, body and spirit for over thousands of years. I do often feel a pulsating stream of healing energy owing through my body while I am getting ready for the distant healing sessions and I use various essential oils during any healing, coaching or counselling work.

    Here are the detailed steps how you can order the purest high-quality oils for 25% less than retail price. I will also send you a  booklet where I have summarized how the most popular oils can support you greatly in your everyday life. I have included in this booklet many tips and secrets which you are most likely not familiar yet.

    ✓ Go to my doTERRA website

    ✓ Select Join & Save

    ✓ Select wholesale customer (no buying requirements)

    ✓ Insert the necessary details and please ensure that my Name (Erika Brose) or number (6943638) shows up in the referral field. 

    ✓ Select your starter or enrollment kit ( Home Essentials or Family Essentials Enrollment Kit is great to begin with) and you might also want to add the Mood Management Kit – The more extensive the kit, the more you’ll save on overall cost.

    ✓Check out and get in touch with me at erika.inspiration(at)gmail.com so that I can get you in touch with some awesome resources on how to use the oils and enhance your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.


    Hi, I am Erika Brose and I offer a beautiful blend of Holistic Healing, Intuitive Counselling, and Coaching and I help people to cultivate self-love, heal emotional and psychological suffering, develop healthy self-care habits and reach their goals. 

    If you are stuck or are currently struggling with your path we can explore the inner dynamics together and clear the blocks which prevent you from moving forward. After clearing the blocks we can also explore your vision for the future and capture specific goals so that your life can then start to flow in a far more creative and joyful way with new meaning and direction.

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The end of confusion – living a heart centered life

Be grateful for the mind, who’s role is to molest the false version of yourself until it becomes unbearable and you are left with no choice but to give up and come home to the heart.” -Mooji

I used to be a very indecisive person and was stuck in my head most of the time when it came to making decisions. I was pondering about different options, outweighing all of them and the more I thought about each option, the less clarity I had. Little did I know back then how much one’s life quality can improve as a consequence of making heart-based choices. The irony is that making heart-based decisions does not only save time and energy, but it is also always in everyone’s best interest.

If you become quiet, relax for a few seconds, clear your mind and tune into your heart, you will connect to a wisdom that is beyond logical and analytical thinking. Resting in your heart relaxes your entire being, your energy expands, your magnetism increases and you become a beacon of light. When you are in your heart, you can hear your own inner voice. You will see much more clearly from this relaxed and empowered place and make natural decisions without outweighing compulsively thousand different options. 

Elevate the quality of your life by using your natural talents and your spiritual gifts – Life Purpose Activation

Your heart will always direct you into the right direction and show you the way.

You don’t need to know all the little steps in-between to reach your destination or goal. Ultimately, any big decision involves a leap of faith. Follow your heart’s and your gut’s guidance and impulses and rest assured that it will be your most reliable guide.

Many ancient traditions refer to the heart as the seat of the soul. 

Conventional science has taught us that the central role of the heart is to pump blood to all the systems of our body. However new research shows that our heart is the strongest generator of both electrical and magnetic fields.

Compared to the electromagnetic field produced by the brain, the electrical component of the heart’s field is about 60 times greater in amplitude and permeates every cell in the body. The magnetic component of the heart is approximately 5000 times stronger than the brain’s magnetic field.

When You Fear Making a “Wrong” Decision.

“Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth.” ~Pema Chodron

Sometimes we feel that we are not ready to step into our most powerful selves, so we keep playing small instead of expanding further and becoming the powerful version of ourselves we are meant to become.

The bigger our purpose, the louder the ego will scream that we are not ready yet. However, we evolve by releasing our fears! Tuning into our heart can help us to release fear and doubt, and we become more spontaneous when it comes to making decisions.

Instead of looking up to others or seeking advice constantly you can navigate your life from your heart… from your authentic self. Let your heart be your authority and live boldly from the authenticity of your true SELF. This can be scary at first, and we may encounter a lot of resistance or disapproval in the beginning. However, it will pay off in the long run.  We betray only ourselves and give our power away when we don’t follow our internal guidance because we are too concerned what other’s may think.

When we carry fear-based beliefs inside us, we will constantly be given opportunities to experience them until we decide to release them.
When we feel intense fear, for example, we often put a story above the original feeling, and we then start to judge ourselves for being anxious or fearful. However, the resistance to feeling the fear increases the intensity of it. The quickest way to deal with uncomfortable emotions, therefore, is to welcome them in their full range. If we suppress them, we only push them down into our subconscious mind.
Accepting any unpleasant emotions enables us to understand them, and to transcend them before they manifest in our physical reality. Sometimes our intuition guides us toward those experiences we fear the most so that we can become aware of our subconscious fears and limiting beliefs and replace them with new ones.

Being fearless does not mean that you never feel fear, but it’s about how you deal with it. 

The next time you feel fear, embrace it, examine it, and if it feels right in your heart and gut, move boldly toward it.  Avoidance has never been a great strategy for success and happiness. If you are fearful of making the first step when you start a new project for example bear in mind that it is natural to feel a little bit insecure and unsure. But in the end, taking a leap of faith and being courageous will help you greatly to move forward in life. 

Simply have your desired outcome in mind when you take courageous action and be aware that you deposit more experience and knowledge into your “intuition account” by moving forward. Developing your intuitive sense and trusting yourself is similar to learning any new skill – the more you practice, the better you become.

     “Whether success or failure, you need to move forward. The momentum is what is critical.”
-Frederique Dame

Being afraid to take action and giving your power away to fear will not only affect your self-esteem but also increase any doubts and insecurity. You deprive yourself of the fullness, richness, and joy of life when you postpone important decisions which require immediate action. The same applies when you stay in a situation that you have outgrown for to too long by clinging to a false sense of safety. Most fear is an illusion and only a very little percentage is a legitimate protection of danger.

If you take action despite the fear, you will break the anxiety cycle and eventually transcend fear. At the same time, you will acquire new skills, open new doors, and free yourself from self-imposed limitations.

“Make more decisions in every day. Because a decision is a summoning of life. That’s why a little chaos is good for you, because often you don’t make a decision until you get yourself in a jam. And then, in the middle of the jam, you make a decision, but that decision summons Life Force. Have you ever been a place where you couldn’t quite make up your mind and you just felt sort of limp? “Oh, I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know.” And then you decided, and you felt alive again. We want you to know that you’ll never get it done. So don’t approach this from, “I gotta get on this” because you’re not ever going to get it done, anyway. And the other thing we want you to know is, you cannot get it wrong. So, make a decision. Let it flow.”


Being very concerned about making the wrong choice is usually an indicator that you are too attached to the outcome. The truth is – you can’t make a wrong choice if you choose from a place of calm, love and trust. There is something valuable to be learned on every path we follow. No matter if you define a decision as “good” or “bad,” it will always lead you to experiences and lessons you need at this particular moment in your life. In fact, when we go through challenging times, we often learn valuable life lessons which serve us well for the future. We all encounter obstacles in our lives or face challenges that throw us off balance, and we often understand the value of going through difficult times only in retrospect. Those dark times serve us as a wake-up call and are a catalyst for change, transformation, and creativity. 

Without those challenges, we might not have left our unfulfilling job, moved to another country, reached out for support, acquired new skills within a short period of time or have taken outrageous and courageous action that freed us from many self-imposed limitations. We would have kept valuing the opinion of others above our own inner knowing and would have kept playing small instead of following our heart’s guidance boldly. 

On a deeper level, fear of failure often represents fear of death (death of the ego and identity). We can be liberated from this fear when we dare to fail or to be rejected and realize that we are still loved and accepted by all of the creation.

Know that you are always infinitely guided and supported

The way you feel when you make a decision and how aligned you are with your choices determines the vibration you are emanating and the outcome of your decision. Making fear-based decisions shows a lack of faith that the universe is benign and will always support you and can lead to a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Fearless attitude pays off. The more aligned, clear, courageous, faithful and grounded you are in your true SELF while making decisions, the better your future experiences will be. Clarity is the natural result when you commit yourself to one specific direction without rigidity. Be certain about your destination, goal or desired outcome like a captain of a ship that sets off on a journey but at the same time remain flexible and keep an eye on the weather conditions and adjust your actions accordingly. 

Something magical seems to happen if we make a full-hearted, bold and fully aligned decision. When we fully embody the intention of our decision, we become radiant, powerful and magnetic. By embodying the essence of the desired outcome or goal instead of trying to make things work by using our will power or mental energy, we remain open and unattached and allow higher guidance to come through.

The energy of our actions will be completely different when we acknowledge that everything is within us. Any attempt to chase something indicates that we operate from a place of lack and mistrust and that we have forgotten who we truly are.

We often believe that inner discontent can be cured by something external: a high paying job, luxury vacation, a partner who is more loving or understanding and don’t realize that external circumstances are only smoke and mirrors and they can’t replace our own inner source. It is a state of being that reflects all manifestations.  No amount of external achievement or success will compensate for a lack of self-love, self-respect, self-acceptance, confidence and a lack of self-esteem. 

Chasing dreams from a place of lack or a feeling of unworthiness or making decisions without self-love and self-respect is like building your house on the sand. It’s a waste of your energy, time and resources and won’t bring long-lasting happiness.

What you see in the external world are reflections of your internal state. If you want to align with something you have to become it first. If you embody your desire in your heart, you will automatically become very humble and open, and you won’t try to force a given situation to turn out a certain way because you know that everything that is truly yours will come to you. 

Listen to your body!

Your body is a very powerful, accurate, intuitive guide. Most people in Western society are living in their head. They are not aware that there is a connection between our brain and our gut. Our brain and our gut are connected, and it is estimated that there are between 400 and 600 million neurons in our gut. If you pay attention, your gut and your heart can give you very clear signals at any given moment.

Before making a decision, relax for a few seconds, let go of all thoughts and tune into your body! You can prevent difficulties before they arise by listening to your body’s signals. Your body has signals like goose bumps, butterflies in your stomach or chills for inspiration or a churning stomach when something is off.

If you feel that your whole being is expanding, that means a YES.

If you feel contracted or tension in your gut it means NO.

Be gentle with yourself if you still find yourself in a situation where you are stuck or confused. 

Sometimes the possible consequences of a huge decision are so complicated and significant that our emotions get stirred up, and our vision gets clouded. As a consequence, we can’t hear the voice of our heart clearly. I professional life coach, mentor or counsellor can can serve as a mirror and reflect back to you aspects of yourself which you can’t see yourself. It can be such a gift to unstuck yourself and reach out for help and support instead of taking the road of more resistance.

One of my most booked 1:1 packages is the VIP Claity Package. It is especially perfect for those who are in transition but this is not a requirement. My clients ultimately don’t need me but will often get where they want much faster as it is almost impossible not almost impossible not to receive tremendous value from the 1:1 sessions if you show up fully with an open heart and mind. 

In the video below, I share with you a simple technique that works well if you have two or three options, and all of them seem to be equal. 

Set the intention before using this technique that each decision you will make will be a good one, not only for yourself but also for everyone else involved! No matter which permission slip you use, find a sense of natural calm, ease, and joy before leaping into action or making a decision. 

Love, Erika

PS. You can also watch the video in German.

A great essential oil that can support you with the decision-making process is Rosemary. 


Healing, Coaching and Counselling over the Internet!

I offer a beautiful blend of Holistic Healing, Intuitive Counselling, and Empowerment Coaching and help conscious women & men to cultivate self-love, heal emotional and psychological suffering, develop healthy self-care habits, step into their power, reach their goals and most of all connect with their life purpose.
The types of issues I work with can vary from clearing emotional pain, clearing creative blocks, integrating conflicting sub-selves, archetype work, breaking unwanted patterns, clearing oversensitivity issues, clearing limiting beliefs, spiritual and emotional healing and most of all helping people find their soul’s purpose and clearing any blocks that prevent them from connecting fully with their soul purpose.

It is my intention to inspire, empower you and help you to find more clarity in life and reconnect with your true self. I help people to become more aware of their gifts and also their beliefs and values they are operating under. As you start to remember who you truly are, you naturally start to re-align with your true self and your life purpose. Your life can then start to flow in a far more creative and joyful way with new meaning and direction.

Through the unique combination of Holistic Healing, professional Holistic Counselling skills, and intuitive gifts, I provide compassionate and deeply accepting space to support you on your journey.

Together, we generate insight and transformation. My work is a co-creative, collaborative partnership with you to create the deepest insight, empowerment, clarity, wellbeing, healing and possibility, and enable you to share this with others. 

I have trained in a number of different healing techniques including energy psychology, relationship healing and a diverse array of therapeutic interventions but I don’t follow any particular tradition or concept as I work intuitively from the heart.

What is a spiritual counsellor/holistic healing practitioner? A spiritual counsellor or holistic healing practitioner has trained in a number of healing techniques. Their training at Holistic Healing College has included, counselling, energy psychology, relationship healing, hypnotherapy, spiritual life coaching, soul plan and a diverse array of therapeutic interventions. A spiritual counsellor or holistic healing practitioner has recognized the importance of offering more than energetic healing or conventional counselling. The client also receives unconditional listening, sound advice, new resources, empowering beliefs and options for leading a more fulfilling and real quality life. These integrated sessions address the client on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Energetic healing creates space while a practical approach grounds the benefits in the here and now.

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Energetic cords and attachments – and how to remove them

Order your own essential oils here:

Have you ever met someone and felt very uncomfortable around them and preferred, therefore, to keep distance, or you might have felt attracted to someone who was not your type?

You might have read intuitively and unconsciously the energy field of the other person. The energy field which is also known as the aura is an extension of your physical body, and it is comprised of seven layers of energy.
You can perceive the aura clairvoyantly as colour, shape, and density. Or you can hear the aura clairaudiently as tone or sound frequency, and you can also feel someone’s aura. The energy field can also be seen with the help of Kirlian photography.

We all need to digest and assimilate many different vibrations and this can be particularly challenging for highly sensitive people and empaths. An empath has an innate ability to apprehend the emotional state of another individual. This is a wonderful quality. Empaths are very giving and are spiritually attuned but they can find it difficult to operate around dominant, aggressive or less sensitive people.

Each time we send out a thought to a person or to an object, we send out a little energy impulse which forms a cord.

These thoughts combined with emotions and desires form a chain of attachments, running from our chakras to the objects of attraction. The same happens when someone thinks about us or has feelings for us. We usually form stronger energetic bonds with people who are close to us or with material objects which are very dear to our heart. 

If we hold on tightly to a person or to an object or a situation, the cords become stronger and more intense. This is often the case when our emotions get stirred up, or energies such as envy, anger, hatred, blame, judgment, jealousy or greed build up.   

People who are able to see those energetic cords, describe them as dark, often black and they can keep us attached to certain people or situations and influence us in an unhealthy way. Those attachments can be either emotional, psychological, spiritual, mental or sexual. It is very likely that we have an energy cord with our siblings, friends, parents, partner, boss, co-workers, clients, and someone we are currently in conflict with! Etheric cords can form between people, objects of desire, institutions, organizations, and situations. 

Any fear-based cords are always unhealthy and will drain our energy. As a result, we might experience physical pain or feel tired without any apparent reason. 

Many cultures, for example, carry out a symbolic ceremony to release the teenager to adulthood, which is not done in the West. However, it can be helpful to cut those ties so that the child can be free and independent and responsible for himself.

Especially for sensitive people, this process can be very helpful because certain energetic cords can make them feel very vulnerable, drain their energy or prevent them from moving forward. It is important to be aware that it is only the limiting or more negative aspects which will be released in a cord balancing process, so you can also do it with a current partner. Couples in long-term relationships often form strong cords, especially if the relationship is dysfunctional. It is not surprising therefore how powerful those cords can become if we imagine the angry web of thoughts or negative emotions of an arguing couple. Once those cords are released, the arguing couple often able to release any anger or resentment, heal the relationship or separate amicably.  Many people experience a tremendous sense of freedom, clarity or peace of mind when the unwanted baggage falls away after a cord-cutting process. Both negative and positive cords can be formed again if we continue to send the same thoughts towards someone or something. If you are already familiar with essential oils I do particularly recommend grapefruit oil if you find yourself in a conflicting situation. Grapefruit oil can support you to come into a greater stage of harmony when you encounter opposition or need to deal with challenging individuals. Our own inner turmoil does often manifest over time as external conflict. That’s why it is crucial to balance the energies within us and to practice forgiveness.

Grapefruit essential oil can help to dissolve conflict because it balances emotions and increasing mental clarity.  It promotes also a feeling of love, self-acceptance and tolerance towards yourself and others. When the emotions are calm you can see the same situations which caused you lots of distress before from a place of clarity and objectivity and take the most appropriate action without causing further harm. I have included below some additional information on how you can order the purest essential oils which are currently available on the market. 

Energy work and emotional clearing

A loving silence often has more power to heal and to connect than the most well-intentioned words.
~ Rachel Naomi Remen

Sending healing to everyone who would like to receive it! A healer does not heal! He simply holds space until you are ready to awaken and activate your innate healing abilities and heal yourself.

Most of us have varying degrees of emotional trauma lingering in our energy field that lies below our conscious awareness. Everything is energy and everything is attracted by energy. Because this subtle energy is invisible many people are not aware of energy blocks or suppressed emotions. It takes courage to turn inward and to be brutally honest with yourself when it comes to investigating and experiencing any suppressed emotional pain.  

Energy blocks are also the source of many of the problems we experience in our relationships, careers, creative endeavours, and in our spiritual evolution.

The following prerecorded healing session is specifically designed to release any unhealthy or fear-based cords and attachments in a gentle and empowered way. It will facilitate deep healing on a soul level and strengthen your aura! Or if you wish to go deeper you will benefit greatly from the 

Alchemize Shadow, Master Your Energy & Get into the frequency of your genius package!

Of from the Cord cutting guided meditation. 

The stronger the aura the stronger the protection. Your aura acts like an umbrella ☔ in the rain so that everything that not in alignment with light and your highest good can’t permeate your shield of protection. 

Cassia essential oil is very potent for clearing and purification (besides Frankincense and Purify Blend). The warm, spicy and masculine cassia oil is often used to balance the second chakra and third chakra (solar plexus).  

Cassia is excellent for deleting information from the subconscious mind which has a lower vibration. If applied over an extended period it can help to release attachments, addictive behaviour and unhealthy patterns. It can also help you to build courage, confidence and increase energy levels. It is a great oil to try if you can benefit from a little boost to “put yourself out there” and improve your self-assurance and self-worth.  Cassia essential oil is in the same family as cinnamon and therefore is a “hot” oil. It’s best to dilute it with a carrier oil if you apply it topically on your second and third chakra.  Cassia has been a part of Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic practices consistently for nearly 5000 years, and it also has biblical references.  

In ancient times cassia was the key ingredient in the incense used in temple worship.  

“Cassia: one principal spice of the Holy Anointing Oil used to anoint priests, kings and their garments. The coming King Messiah’s robes will smell of cassia (humility, being stripped of pride, set apart or holy with a servant’s heart)” -Psalm 45:8

Cassia is also included in the doTERRA forgive blend and holiday joy blend!  The sacral chakra is connected with the flow of money, pleasure, partnerships, worthiness and creativity.  The Solar Plexus Chakra is situated behind the navel and represents our ability to be confident and assertive. The Manipura Chakra is the centre of vitality.  The corresponding element is Fire. Therefore it is also known as the Fire or Sun Centre. This Chakra regulates the function of the Pancreas and digestive organs, and it is directly related to self-worth, a primary quality in our relationships with others and the world around us. It reflects how we see ourselves and exercise our innate power.

Uses Cassia essential oil

  • Add one drop to citrus blends or diffuse with Clove and Ginger during fall and winter.
  • Combine one drop with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil and massage for a warming sensation.
  • Massage 1 drop Cassia oil with 10 drops doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil,  into the feet.
  • Diffuse throughout the room for immune system support.
  • Diffuse 3 drops doTerra Arborvitae and 2 drops cassia for a soothing and uplifting blend.

Directions for Use

Diffusion: Use three to four drops in the diffuser of your choice. Internal use: Dilute one drop in 4 fl. oz. of liquid. Topical use: Dilute one to two drops with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil then apply to the desired area.


Possible skin sensitivity. Keep out of reach of children. If you are pregnant, nursing, or under a doctor’s care, consult your physician. Avoid contact with eyes, inner ears, and sensitive areas.

Only 100% pure & natural essential oils have the greatest healing properties. The oils I use are distilled at the peak potency to ensure the highest effectiveness and quality, and they are not treated with pesticides. So it´s a massive difference to the oils which you would buy at a grocery store.  

If you would like to try the purest high-quality essential oils on the planet you can place your order here. You can get 25% off for all products if you opt-in as a Wholesale Customer or Wellness advocate.

And if you would like to receive the following three Abundance Freedom Empowerment abundance gifts please sign up here:

  • Align with the energy of Freedom, Ease and Abundance guided meditation on mp3
  • Heart opening, centring and allowing to receive guided meditation on mp3
  • Enhance Your Prosperity Consciousness with Pure Essential Oils pdf booklet by Erika Brose

If you have ever inhaled the fragrance of your favourite FLOWER and remember the sweetness of getting in touch with the essence of a plant then you will love and benefit greatly from essential oils. There are hundreds of ways how you can use high- quality essential oils including relaxation, emotional and energetic healing, meditation, spiritual practice, personal hygiene, household cleaning, cooking and more.

Some of the oils will shower you with the elixir of self-love and self-appreciation, some will help you to clear long-standing emotional and energetic attachments, and others will transform you in a way you could not have imagined. The more you open up to the energy and benefits of very pure high-quality essential oils and let go of resistance the more you will benefit from them.

The essential oils work on many different levels: Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual/Energetic. The measured frequencies of essential oils have been shown to go as high as 320 MHz as seen with Rose oil! Lavender has a frequency of 118 MHz and Sandalwood has a frequency of 96 MHz. 

I have recorded several videos where I introduce the benefits and the uses of essential oils. You can access the complete playlist on Youtube here: Essential oils Inspiration and Education with Erika

When purchasing essential oils, it is important to find oils that are pure. The purity of an essential oil determines how effective an essential oil can be. The less pure an essential oil is, the less effective it will be. Too often, essential oils that are on the market are not pure and contain contaminants and filler substances. doTERRA oils are different than any other oils. You will get oils which are distilled at the peak potency to ensure the highest effectiveness and quality and they are not treated with pesticides. So it is a massive difference to the oils which you would buy at a grocery store for example. Those who have long-term experience with essential oils will immediately notice the difference. In addition to supplying the highest quality, essential oils doTERRA is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of farmers, harvesters, and distillers who contribute to doTERRA’s oil production. doTERRA is family-focused and pro-women. Mamas, children and families are welcomed, appreciated, encouraged and supported through doTERRA.

Most essential oils are made from fresh leaves, flowers, roots, or twigs, but there are a few special essential oils that are made from the resin of plants such as Frankincense. The oils capture the plant’s scent and flavour also called its “essence.” And they are obtained through distillation or cold-press extraction. 100% pure, natural, high-quality essential oils can help us to tune into higher frequencies, clear negative emotions on a cellular level but also release blockages which prevent us to align with the abundance of the universe. Essential oils have been used for spiritual ceremonies, rituals, balancing emotions and for healing the mind, body and spirit for over thousands of years. I do often feel a pulsating stream of healing energy owing through my body while I am getting ready for the distant healing sessions and I use various essential oils during any healing, coaching or counselling work.

Here are the detailed steps how you can order the purest high-quality oils for 25% less than retail price. I will also send you a  booklet where I have summarized how the most popular oils can support you greatly in your everyday life. I

✓ Go to my doTERRA website

✓ Select Join & Save on the top right

✓ Select wholesale customer (no buying requirements)

✓ Insert the necessary details and please ensure that my Name (Erika Brose) or number (6943638) shows up in the referral field. 

✓ Select your starter or enrollment kit ( Home Essentials or Family Essentials Enrollment Kit is great to begin with) and you might also want to add the Mood Management Kit – The more extensive the kit, the more you’ll save on overall cost.

✓Check out and get in touch with me at erika.inspiration(at)gmail.com so that I can get you in touch with some awesome resources on how to use the oils and enhance your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

Erika is a fully qualified Holistic Life Coach and Counsellor, Hypnotherapist, Soul Transformation Therapist and Soul Plan Practitioner and long-time Essential Oil enthusiast. She helps conscious, aware women and men to transform all of their relationships and create a life full of creativity, fulfilment, abundance and empowerment. Essential Oils are an integral part of her work. Erika’s Holistic Counselling & Coaching work combined with the essential oils can support you and your family physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically. She is grateful and honoured to have worked with many private clients all around the globe. Her approach is heart centred and intuitive, and she combines practical and spiritual tools to get to the HEART of the matter. Disclaimer The information on this website is for educational purposes only, and nothing contained herein should be construed as medical advice. The suggested products or advice are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Charlie Chaplin’s Declaration about Life


(attributed to) Charlie Chaplin on his 70th birthday: As I Began to Love Myself

As I began to love myself, I found that anguish and emotional suffering are only warning signs that I was living against my own truth.

Today, I know, this is “AUTHENTICITY“.

As I began to love myself, I understood how much it can offend somebody as I try to force my desires on this person, even though I knew the time was not right and the person was not ready for it, and even though this person was me.

Today I call it “RESPECT“.

As I began to love myself, I stopped craving for a different life, and I could see that everything that surrounded me was inviting me to grow.

Today I call it “Maturity“.

As I began to love myself I understood that at any circumstance, I am in the right place at the right time, and everything happens at the exactly right moment, so I could be calm.

Today I call it “SELF-CONFIDENCE“.

As I began to love myself, I quit steeling my own time, and I stopped designing huge projects for the future. Today, I only do what brings me joy and happiness, things I love to do, and that make my heart cheer, and I do them in my own way and in my own rhythm.

Today I call it “SIMPLICITY“.

As I began to love myself, I freed myself of anything that is no good for my health – food, people, things, situations, and everything the drew me down and away from myself. At first, I called this attitude a healthy egoism.

Today I know it is “LOVE OF ONESELF“.

As I began to love myself I quit trying to always be right, and ever since I was wrong less of the time.

Today I discovered that is “MODESTY“.

As I began to love myself I refused to go on living in the past and worry about the future. Now, I only live for the moment, where EVERYTHING is happening.

Today I live each day, day by day, and I call it “FULFILLMENT“.

As I began to love myself, I recognized that my mind can disturb me, and it can make me sick. But As I connected it to my heart, my mind became a valuable ally.

Today I call this connection “WISDOM OF THE HEART“.

We no longer need to fear arguments, confrontations or any kind of problems with ourselves or others. Even stars collide, and out of their crashing new worlds are born.

Today I know THAT IS “LIFE“!


My name is Erika Brose. I am a gifted Healer who is also a qualified Spiritual Counsellor, Holistic Healing Practitioner, Holistic Life Coach and Soul Plan Practitioner and I have also trained in Hypnotherapy and CBT.

I help people cultivate self-love, heal emotional and psychological suffering and develop healthy self-care habits.

The types of issues I work with in sessions can vary from clearing emotional pain, clearing creative blocks, integrating conflicting sub-selves, archetype work, breaking unwanted patterns, clearing oversensitivity issues, clearing limiting beliefs, spiritual and emotional healing and most of all helping people find their soul’s purpose and clearing any blocks that prevent them from connecting fully with their soul purpose.

I have been doing Soul Plan Readings for the past two and a half years, and I am still amazed and fascinated each time I look for the first time at someone’s Soul Plan.

It is my intention to inspire, empower you and help you to find more clarity in life and reconnect with your true self. I help people to become more aware of their gifts and also their beliefs and values.

As you start to remember who you truly are, you naturally start to re-align with your true self and your life purpose. Your life can then start to flow in a far more creative and joyful way with new meaning and direction.

It is my intention to give joyfully, following my heart’s knowledge and make a meaningful difference to someone. I have been trained in a number of different healing techniques including energy psychology, relationship healing and a diverse array of therapeutic interventions, but I don’t follow any particular tradition or concept as I work intuitively from the heart.

This is what I offer. These are my posts in English and German. These are testimonials from clients. This is my Story..

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