That which is false troubles the heart, but truth brings joyous tranquillity. -Rumi
Navratri. Nav’ means ‘nine’ and ‘ratri’ means ‘night’. Thus, ‘Navratri’ means ‘nine nights’.

Navaratri also spelt Navratri or Navarathri is a festival that gives reverence to the triumph of good over the limitations of our mind, and it is dedicated to the different aspects of the Divine Mother. It is celebrated differently in various parts of the Indian subcontinent. In some parts of the world, the first three days Devi (Divine Mother) is honoured and celebrated in the form of Durga, followed by three days of honouring Devi as Lakshmi, and the final three days are dedicated to Saraswati.
During this time the Divine Mother energy is intensified and magnified. By connecting consciously to the Divine Mother those aspects get activated within us or they become stronger.

Meaning of Vijayadashami – Dussehra represents the 10th day of victory. After diving into the depths of our inner self, shedding layers of unhelpful patterns we are ready to step out again into the world with a new and higher of level of awareness and an increased sense of Stability, Clarity and a sense of Direction.

Regardless our gender we have both aspects within us male and female. When the feminine aspect is balanced we can be kind and compassionate towards ourselves and others. We can nurture and nourish those who are looking for nourishment and support and we emanate unconditional love. At the same time, we are open and receptive to receive nourishment, love, blessings and support from others. 

Those who connect with the Divine Mother consciously will usually experience a breathtakingly transformative experience.
In the beginning, it might be a little bit intense and shaky, especially when things and situations of a lower vibration start to fall away but you can rest assured that what comes into your life will represent your new, upgraded frequency. Once you understand the process it is very likely that you will be very grateful in retrospect that some things or people have fallen away. 

During your transformation journey, you will also let go of fears, trauma, pain and hurt that you have been holding on so tightly for many lifetimes. And once you do this your entire perspective of how you have seen life up until now will change. 

Any wake-up calls are only excruciatingly painful if we refuse to listen to the voice of our higher Self and hold on tightly to rigid ways of looking at things through the lens of our ego-mind. 

Any strong labels, fixed opinions or judgements won’t allow us to see the truth and the interconnectedness of all things.
Someone who studied a particular topic at university, for example, might be convinced that his way of looking at things is right because after all there are countless studies which can prove it including his own life experience. However, this person is still filtering a reality through a narrow filter. And because his cup is already full and he is mistakenly convinced to know the truth he won’t be open to looking at a different perspective. This is how rigid thinking patterns are created in the mind. When one particle is separated from the whole it always represents only a partial picture and a partial truth. 

Healing is simply a returning to wholeness. In the beginning, your deepest scars and hurts will rise to the surface including the stored impressions which cause energy blockages. I do lovingly but boldly support others during this journey and help them to shine the light of awareness on those wounded parts. However, if someone is not ready yet to be absolutely honest this person will not be open or receptive for healing.
They will hold on tightly to their fears, doubts and insecurities and create more inner pain. 

Your life will take its reading from you.
If you have in your heart that this life is for freedom,
not only this life but this moment itself is for freedom
— then your life will unfold accordingly.

I witnessed the fastest progress in those who were absolutely fed up of their suffering and were about to “pop” so to speak. In other words, they reached a point where they said, “I will do no matter what to free myself from the torture of my mind and suffering”. 
When this point is reached the resistance decreases tremendously and this is when I can create miracles by stepping in temporarily as a guide and offer support until the person steps into their own empowerment and learns how to master their energy and their state of being. 

I received yesterday an email from a client who booked initially several distant healing sessions, followed by the VIP clarity package with some valuable feedback. She remained completely empowered during and after a car accident which was a huge progress. She described how she could release the trauma from the body using Somatic Experiencing and be very loving and compassionate towards herself. Even though she was injured she still decided to attend the workshop which she was planning to attend and she received lots of support there, too. She could also see clearly that all the support she received from others was a reflection of the love she gave to herself.  

Energy healing restores our vital energy and provides access to resources we did not have access before. It also activates our innate healing abilities and can help us to bring the body, mind & spirit back into harmony, and live in flow with life. I just uploaded a new transmission video on youtube from Avebury. Avebury Henge in Wiltshire contains the largest stone circle in the world. For thousands of years, Avebury’s landscape has been seen as a mysterious region, and the land has special sanctity and mystical power that has attracted people for millennia.

Around four and a half thousand years ago over 800 huge sarsen stones were erected. The vast monument spanned over three and a half miles and was said to represent a serpent. Located 17 miles north of Stonehenge, it is far bigger complex, yet many people have never heard of this magnificent power centre. 

Please do also check out the following packages. 

Elevate the quality of your life by using your natural talents and your spiritual gifts – Life Purpose Activation
Vip Clarity what is about to Emerge 
Create a sacred family from within

Simply reply to this email if you would like to secure a spot or if you have any questions. 

I look forward to connecting with you and supporting you on your unique and individual path. As a neutral, objective and fully trained spiritual counsellor & coach, I can help you to recognize any blind spots and negative patterns so that you can work through any arising challenges with more ease and grace. 

PS: I have recently updated the blog post section on my website and added the following categories for an easier navigation. 


Hi, I am Erika – Shri Lakshmi. 

I am a life-purpose coach and holistic counsellor. It’s not a requirement but people usually come to me in transition. My approach is both practical and mystical/spiritual. My mission is to invite you into higher states of being by cultivating inner awareness, empowerment and love.
I have been unconventionally living life on my own terms while serving the most gorgeous clients all around for around the world for around a decade now. My heart is full and the work I do is highly fulfilling and rewarding.

I can deliberately enter an expanded state of consciousness and have mastered the ability to tap into the SOURCE of LOVE, WISDOM, ABUNDANCE and POWER and I am strongly dedicated to further learning and expansion.

The boldness, determination and courage to walk the path less travelled has opened many doors that exceeded my wildest dreams and I am very grateful for the opportunity to pass this knowledge and experience on and to be of service to the greater WHOLE.

What is stored in our causal auric layer determines our day-to-day experiences. Mindset work might be a great start but is often not enough to change deeply ingrained karmic and ancestral patterns. No matter how motivated and determined we are to shift things. There is more than meets the eye and even more than meets the mind.

My superpower lies in shattering outdated paradigms and tuning in to the unique karmic frequency of my clients to activate their higher calling, including the highest confidence, self-love and empowerment vibration so that they can move forward quickly, uplevel their personal and professional life without unnecessary detours, holding back and feeling stuck. My life is a demonstration of the expression “be in this world but not of it”. I implement spirituality into everyday life in a practical way and help my clients to collapse time so that their life can start to blossom and bloom in a way they might not have imagined.

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Published by Shri Lakshmi

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